The cremation process

It can be difficult to make a big decision about a process you…

Reasons why people are choosing cremation

More and more people are choosing cremation as their final disposition…

Alternate disposition methods

It is a simple question; how do I want to dispose of my body…

Changing The Way We Grieve

Death will always be an unexpected happening in our life. We…

Latest Cremation Trends

Graveyards take a lot of space and with the cost of dry land…

Cremation: A Personal Option

Cremation has been a practice in many ancient cultures throughout…

Affirmation – Savage Garden

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument I believe…

A Guide to Scattering Ashes

Scattering the ashes of the departed has been a long-standing…

Types of Cremation/ Cremation Urns

Cremation has increasingly become more popular, and for good…

A Funeral Checklist to Guide You By

Dealing with death is beyond overwhelming. We are faced with…