What to say to someone who has lost a loved one this New Year

Saying the phrase “happy new year” to someone who has recently lost a loved one may feel awkward. After all, when someone important has just passed away, happiness is the last thing anyone will most likely feel. When your loved one just finished with the funeral or cremation services, sending your greetings will require a touch of finesse. Sadly, the holidays don’t stop, and the world doesn’t cease celebrating even when tragedy strikes. As such, sending heartfelt messages of sympathy while keeping the joy of the holidays alive is even more crucial when your loved one is grieving.

It is a sad reality that those who are mourning during this time of the year must endure their painful loss while everyone else is in a holly, jolly mood. Though the bereaved may not be in a celebratory mood, you can still make their day and make them smile by sending heartfelt wishes. After all, it would help if you let them know you’re thinking of them so they won’t feel lonely, depressed, and alone. Consider the following graceful and tactful examples to ring in the New Year for someone who is mourning their loss:


Make a Promise to Keep The Memory Alive

Some say that promises are made to be broken. But as a good friend or relative, you need to live up to this promise. Resolutions are perfect for this time of year. As such, this New Year is a great time to give words of assurance. Let the bereaved know that you will do your part to keep the memory of the deceased alive. Remember, the key here is to actually do what you say but not merely offer lip service. Hence, you must think of creative methods of including both the deceased and the bereaved family in your plans for the forthcoming year. You can try the following:

  • Plant a memory garden for the departed
  • Offer a steady supply of funeral flowers
  • Visit the gravesite regularly with the bereaved or by your lonesome
  • Sponsor a beautiful headstone or grave marker
  • Volunteer your time with grieving family for an advocacy in honor of the deceased


Send a Comforting Greeting With Religious Undertones

As someone close to the deceased or mourning family members, you know about their faith. For those who are religious, you can say, “Happy New Year to us and our beloved who is celebrating in heaven now!” You can also try this statement: “May our angel above protect us this New Year.” These are gentle ways to celebrate the brand new year without disregarding their pain. As such, doing so can also strengthen the bond between you and those who are mourning.

The sad reality is, most bereaved family members are left alone at this time of the year. No one wants to say the wrong things, so it is easier to gloss things over. However, as a close friend, you must give emotional support in these trying times. Don’t forget that you can bring hope. Reminding the bereaved there is an after-life offers comfort. Keep in mind that you don’t need grand gestures. A simple acknowledgment of their sadness and loss matters because you make them feel included and not left out. You can even send a card with your own words, or you can select one with inspirational funeral poems.


Offer Heartfelt Wishes of Encouragement

Now is the best time to offer encouraging words. When you offer comforting words in their darkest hours, you show those who are mourning that you commiserate with what they are going through. Though you may not understand their pain, it shows that you are there to love and support them unconditionally. You can say, “I know that you are sad and it is very hard right now, but I sincerely wish that you have a better year.”

You can also try to say the following words: “May this brand New Year release you from pain. Instead, I wish for the new days to fill your heart with love, joy, and peace.” Yes, it is very hard to find the right words to say. After all, when you love someone, you don’t want to trivialize their pain. You also don’t want to say the wrong things. Talking about the loss of a loved one is never a comfortable topic. But as a close person to the one who is mourning, you must find the strength to offer support. The key is finding the balance, so you don’t sound too formal and detached.


Final Wrap Up

Though the bereaved loved ones may not feel like celebrating right now, offering words of comfort is vital in these trying times. It would be best if you planted little seeds of hope which may serve them well when they feel all alone. Hence, you must try your best to include them with subtle words and gestures that don’t disrespect their time of grief. Remember, the New Year is the best time for hope and healing. These themes resonate well in January because it is indeed the perfect time to let go of the year that passed so you can welcome the new one with open arms.