Discreet Cremation Lockets

cremation ringOf all cremation jewelry sold in the market, pendants top the rest when it comes to the assortment of designs. Worn with as many variety of chains, even those that you already own, the pendant’s practical function as an urn grants the wearer the option to carry their loved one’s ashes anywhere without having to explain its purpose every single time. This is especially convenient since a good number of people are still not partial to keeping cremation ashes close to their person. Not having to defend your personal preferences to them will allow you the space you need to grieve and cope with your loss quietly.

Cremation lockets take the discreet factor of cremation pendants a step further. Lockets as pendants are widely used to contain photos of loved ones. To have lockets extend their purpose and hold cremation ashes as well may appeal to those who would rather wear a familiar-looking jewelry piece. If they are longing to see the face of their loved one  to comfort them, all they need to do is to just open the locket. With both beauty and function, it is of little wonder that these cremation lockets remain a popular cremation urn to keep ashes in.


Source: https://www.creativewoodurns.com/locket-cremation/