POLK, Josephine

Josephine Polk was born on January 2nd 1947 in Minneapolis Minnesota USA, she was a force to be reckoned with and lived her life on her own terms and own way. Loving mother to Katie, Gennie, grandmother to Scottie, Sean, Justin, Jonathan James and Era Lucy, she spent her life caring for her mother Josephine McClain and raising her two daughters independently. Josephine worked her way through university to become a successful teacher helping hundreds of young adults have the opportunity to graduate. Her love of animals was so strong as a fighter for animal rights from running protests and taking animals in that would not have a chance to live otherwise. Her soul touched many beings in this world and we know her spirit will be free in heaven as she always lived free on earth. Friends may call at , St. John’s Dixie Cemetery and Visitation Centre, 737 Dundas St. E, Mississauga, ( Dundas & Cawthra), in Mississauga on Thursday February 15, 2024 from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. A funeral Services will follow in the Magnolia Chapel at 2:30 pm, with cremation to follow. A reception will follow the Funeral Service in the Willow Room at St. John’s Visitation Centre.

5 replies
  1. Ursula Hart
    Ursula Hart says:

    Josephine was so dedicated to animal cause ever since I met her in the late 70s, we became allies in rescue. We were both involved with a grass roots organization called AVA – Action Volunteers for Animals, where she was the president for several years in the 80s. We spent many hours together at my farm houses both in Caledon and in Adjala rescuing dogs and cats and farm animals.

    Josephine was probably the only remaining “grass roots rescuer” of times gone by with whom I still had contact, as sadly most of our group has crossed the rainbow bridge. I will miss our long chats reminiscing the early days of animal rescue when we were considered outcasts and undesirables. Josephine pioneered and paved the way of animal rescue with tenacity, courage and kindness, through which it has now been accepted as an honourable vocation with no shame attached. I hope that the new generation of rescuers realize the sacrifices that she made to set the path for rescue today. 

    Josephine, thank you for sacrificing so much for so little in return save for the many little animals whose lives we prolonged and enhanced. May thousands of  furry friends greet you and shower you with love in your journey into eternity. 

    Much love,
    Ursula Hart
    Haven of the Heart Animal Sanctuary

  2. Lubi Urban
    Lubi Urban says:

    Josephine and I have been friends and colleagues for over twenty years. She was the first teacher at our school I talked to as we both arrived there the same year. I had heard about her being transferred to our school from a mutual colleague in a different program. The years flew by very quickly since then and over the years we bonded over our experiences teaching our respective classes and at times even sharing the same students. We often had lunch together in her classroom and our conversations were about our students and how she could help them academically or even at times financially after hearing about their difficult personal situation. I have always had high regard for Josephine as a colleague, a mentor and a friend. I got to know Josephine’s family over the years and it was always an honour to be included in the birthday celebrations and the christening of her grandchildren. Josephine, my dear colleague and my dear friend, I will miss you! My deepest sympathy to Gennie, Katie and their families. – Lubi

  3. Julie Turner
    Julie Turner says:

    Dear Justin and family,
    We just wanted you to know we are thinking about you and send our deepest condolences.

    Love, The Turner Family
    Alyssa, Julie, Jason, Kevin and Ethan

  4. Kayleen and Glenna
    Kayleen and Glenna says:

    Jose as we called her was a good friend and advocate for animals and will be truly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gennie, Katie and family.

  5. Stephanie Swift
    Stephanie Swift says:

    Josephine and I were good friends for getting on for forty years; we met because we were both involved in animal rights. We attended animal rights events together, met for meals in vegetarian/vegan restaurants together, took vacations together, and had innumerable conversations together. Josephine’s passing is a loss to me and to the world. I will miss her. Gennie, Katie, and families, I am thinking of you. –Stephanie


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