KELDIE, David John


On Wednesday May 22, my world shattered with the stopping of a heartbeat….David John Keldie, my irreplaceable, courageous warrior husband lost his final battle, the last of far too many.

He was my love, my life, my friend and my ride or die of 43 years.

My dearest darling David, “I’d choose you in 100 lifetimes, in 100 worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you!”  I will, I promise!

Thank you for choosing me to share your life with, making mine unforgettably wonderful in every way.  I would not trade one second of our journey.

Many knew and will remember Dave as an outstanding natural all round athlete.  He cheered for the Toronto Maple Leafs,  loved sports, particularly Lacrosse which he was passionate and exceptionally good at, the best according to for former NHL Coach, Rick Dudley.  He also thoroughly enjoyed his time inspiring and coaching.

David’s  Ontario Power Generation coworkers knew a kind hard working man who never missed a day unless it was for me.   Daves expertise in all things concrete led him to writing formulas, performing inspection and testing for Nuclear Reactors in Ontario and South Korea.  He did work on the CN Tower, Royal Bank Plaza and many other construction sites across Canada.

Friends and family will forever recall his intelligence, generosity, gigantic heart, his sharp wit, wicked sense of humour and sweet soul.

Such wonderful memories!  This dear sweet man will forever remain in my heart and thoughts.

We would like to thank the wonderful Critical Care Staff at Etobicoke General Hospital for months of amazing care, especially the hard working Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Physio Therapists and kind PSWs.  You were all our favourite.

To our precious Stoli, Remi, Chico, Deja, Vu, Diesel, Ming and Tigger, all in Heaven…Daddy’s Home!

16 replies
  1. Doug Baldwin
    Doug Baldwin says:

    Dave and I were good lacrosse buddies and he was a great friend. We lost touch over the years and I am sorry to hear of his passing. My sincere condolences to family and friends. RIP Dave.

  2. Michelle & Joee
    Michelle & Joee says:

    We are feeling a deep sadness for the passing of Dave! Thank the Good Lord for his life – Dave will not be forgotten. We were so blessed to have you both as neighbours and friends for 10 years! We learned so much about Dave and the wonderful love and care he had for others. You will be in our prayers in the days ahead Cheryll.

  3. Adriann Hill
    Adriann Hill says:


    What a beautiful tribute to Dave. He was truly your hero!

    I have so many wonderful memories of Dave. Great conversations and fun times at your house. Especially his 60th birthday party. Definitely one for the books! Let’s not forget your beautiful wedding in the back yard.

    I know this loss is great. Dave would want you to be happy and enjoy your dream home. It’s the perfect place to sit and reflect upon the many wonderful years you had together.

    My deepest condolences to you, my dear friend. May he rest in peace and his memory be eternal.

    Big hugs and much love,


  4. Phil Steinberg
    Phil Steinberg says:

    Hi Cheryll, so sorry to hear the loss of David. We know how much he meant to you.
    He sounds like a really interesting and wonderful man.
    We know you will draw strength going forward from his memories.
    Take care of yourself Cheryll.
    Phil and Kim.

  5. Janice and Steve
    Janice and Steve says:

    Cheryl, it took us a couple of days to be able to write something meaningful. Your eulogy was so well written and showed the deep love you both had for each other, our hearts and prayers are sent to you may Dave Rest In Peace.
    It’s time for you to take some time for you, get some much needed rest and enjoy your Hockey home as Dave so much wanted you to.
    Steve and Janice

  6. Vicki Novak
    Vicki Novak says:

    Dear Cheryl

    He fought so hard and never complained about any pain. He was a true fighter and your hero. He will be truly missed by everyone. Treasure your memories of Dave. He was your sole mate. Sending you our love.
    Love, Vicki and Martin

  7. Christina Szyngiel
    Christina Szyngiel says:

    Dear Cheryll,
    Please accept our deepest condolences.
    Dave was a Fighter and Warrior,
    He has been a teacher to all he met.
    I am sure he has taught many doctors and nurses, the art of compassion and caring.
    Helped everyone realize that every life has value!

    Dave is with all who predeceased him. Whole once again in his body!
    No more struggling to breathe.

    He wants nothing but happiness for you, and to enjoy Hockley House to the fullest.
    He will be with you in memories of your lifetime together.
    He will be with you as you sit next to river. He will be with you in good and in bad days.

    No more tears. He thanks you for being his advocate, which at times was no easy task.
    You fought all the red tape.
    His legacy will live forever! Whenever we look at the CN tower, will remember him!

    His wish for you is to enjoy Hockley House to the fullest and to begin living your life again.

    Love forever, Roman and Chris 😘🙏🏻💐

  8. Carmen Siegel
    Carmen Siegel says:

    He was a beautiful soul who always treated everyone with kindness and never judge others.
    Love you David
    Carmen and Les

  9. Kim Passero
    Kim Passero says:

    Dave was one of the most intellectual men I’ve ever met always using big words great sense of Humour, witty and funny, always wearing the stupidest hat or the craziest shirt.
    He will be very missed and I had the pleasure of having the last dance me and my sister dance and I even made Dave dance as I rock the bed. I got lots of smiles and even got a pucker for a kiss and Dave always love food because on his way to the hospital I want to make sure that he had cookies so me and him were shoving cookies in her mouth on his way out the door, great memories in peace. Your fight was unbelievable and extremely courageous you and my sister both never gave up thought continuously and extremely dedicated. You did it as a team God bless both of you. ❤️🙏🏻 Always be a warrior and a hero

  10. Heidi Wilbur
    Heidi Wilbur says:

    What a beautiful tribute to a man well loved. I only knew (of) Dave through his lovely wife Cheryll. Our sincere condolences to you Cheryll and our heartfelt wishes for peace. xoxo

    • Wendy Keldie
      Wendy Keldie says:

      Hi Jane and Dave! I have thought about you and the girls over the years. I hope are all well.
      Wendy xo

  11. Christina Szyngiel
    Christina Szyngiel says:

    Please accept our deepest condolences.
    Dave “ the Fighter” put up a very courageous battle.
    I am convinced he taught many doctors and nurses, the act of compassion and caring.
    He loved you dearly. He wants you to be happy in Hockley House!


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