Alves, Jonathan Reid Nogueira

In loving memory of Jonathan Reid Nogueira Alves, born August 1, 1987 passed away on August 8th, 2024.

Survived by his son Romeo Alves, his loving parents, Fatima & Durate Alves, his family Paulo, Tamara, Abigail & Emerie Alves, his partner Kaya Rodriguez-Larrain… And all his friends and family who love him.

Jonathan was a WARRIOR right to the end, his ongoing battle with kidney disease, and his fight with leukemia proved too much for his body… but NOT his spirit. His passion will live on in our hearts and his infectious smile will light up the sky for all of eternity.

For those who wish, in memory of Jonathan Alves, a courageous young father who fought valiantly against kidney disease and leukemia, we’re raising funds to support his son Romeo’s future education. Each donation will make a significant impact on Romeo’s dreams; please click the link to donate or share. Thank you so much for your support! PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DONATE

We love you Jon.

We love you Tio “Han”.

I love you baby.

Rest In Peace.




Friends and family are invited to join us on Monday August 12, 2024 to say farewell and celebrate his life.

Visitation: 3:00PM – 4:00PM

Funeral Service: 4:00PM – 5:00PM

Celebration of Life Reception/Dinner to follow

Venue: St. John’s Dixie Cemetery & Crematorium, Magnolia Chapel

Location: 737 Dundas Street East, Mississauga, at Cawthra

Jonathan’s final words of wisdom:

  • Be Impeccable with Your Word
  • Don’t Take Anything Personally
  • Don’t Make Assumptions
  • Always Do Your Best
21 replies
  1. Paulo Alves
    Paulo Alves says:

    EULOGY – For my Brother.

    Tia Han
    Papa J

    And more often than not … Hey BANANA !?!?

    …for all the different names we called him, we always knew him as a kind, loving, dedicated, compassionate person.

    Jonathan, born Aug 1, 1987 was in Toronto – I take full credit, I beg my parents for a baby brother …and after almost 10 years, I got one. And I got to name him… Jonathan, a strong & beautiful name (who am I kidding I named him after that dorky kid from the show “who’s the boss”.

    Jonathan was a hardcore basketball & baseball fan…i remember the look of awe & disbelief when I took him to watch his first Raptors game live next to me sitting court-side watching Vince Carter, Tracey McGrady and having the raptors himself pass him the game ball…he was elated. Proud and amazed. But I also think having the girls dance pack had something to do with that.

    But it was baseball…where he had hopes, determination and his love of the game began … after countless baseball games, good seats and nose bleeds … Jonathan starting playing baseball at 6 years old at a pretty impressive level … so much so that when he made the team as a high park brave, the top ranked baseball program in the country ..and after winning the Cdn championship in little league in 2000, he & his teammates went on to represent CANADA at the little league World Series …Jonathan was also selected as an all star that showcased the best of the best from countries from around the world …China, Thailand, Australia and various South American teams … this event was and still is televised on ESPN / TSN over the USA, Canada & the world … I remember vividly being at work watching him play in the cafeteria screaming at the TV while all my colleagues cheered on.

    It took years of practice, dedication and hard work to become the player and man he was … we spent countless hours playing catch, practicing his ground balls, and that even meant hit a few of them at him …and a few off the head. Lol, my mom would be so pissed every time he would come home with a new bruise or bump …I wouldn’t go easy on him. Didn’t have too… he was built different.

    Fast forward to his softball days … his love for “Looseballs” his team and his teammates, is so evident by the wonderful and courageous words from his teammates who beautifully wrote:

    “The Whole Entire World Truly Lost A Leader, A Teammate, A Friend, A Father, A Brother, A Softball Superstar, A Winner, A Warrior, A Hero, A Legend, A Coach, A Captain, Who Was Loved And Appreciated By Everyone.

    … Captain Papa J” Was Always Smiling, Making Jokes, Happy, Friendly, Humble, Real, Making The Sweet Big Clutch Plays On The Field At Shortstop Whenever Needed, Hitting The Sweet Big Clutch Base Hits At The Plate Whenever Needed

    Incredibly Grateful, Privileged, Honoured For The Time I Got To Share With “Captain Papa J” On The Softball Field”

    God. I love him…I miss him.

    my little brother, the little kid who would do anything to spend time with me (even if that meant riding the biggest roller coaster at just 6&7yesrs old, just so he can hang out with me & my friends…he was such a cute kid, and he knew it … he would run up to girls at the mall or wonderland or the park … my brother thinks your pretty…it worked, a lot lol !!! )…as got older, he would drive hours to my house, just to sit next to me and watch a game…or play video games, we once spent 3 days at my parent trailer up north playing video games, non-stop little to know sleep, playing FIFA & NFL Blitz …lol, we would eat nothing but chips, Cheetos and oh my gawd … the smell … so much farts … bahahahha – some of my greatest moments in my life was with him.

    But he wasn’t just my little brother. He was my best friend…and I was his. For years after I would watch him grow, passing through life the best he could – forging new experiences and going his own way in life while looking to me for guidance, love and friendship.

    I watched him become a father. And in October 2012, a little boy Romeo was born.
    He was so happy. He loved him beyond comprehension… and unless you are a father (or a mother), it’s hard to put into words how deeply you can love another human being.

    I am lucky … I am father now, to Abby & Emerie, 6 & 4 …and the day they were born, I remember Jon standing next to me…”see, now you know” … their world is my world.

    BUT What jonathan didn’t REALIZE, was that i had felt that way before,…the day he came home and I had a brother. ..I wish I had told him that.

    Jonathan was a compassionate, loving man to so many people – he tried his best to be the person each of his friends, family and clients needed… he tried, so hard for so many people… he believed in balance, the balance of things…good & bad, light & dark, Ying/Yang… that life is about balance, and that you have to take in the bad to experience the good…and vice versa, that with all that good…there will be some bad.

    Jonathan was a warrior. A fighter. His stubbornness would come into play and he would NOT go quietly into that good night.

    He fought his kidney disease the best he could. He battled with pneumonia…followed by his diagnosis of Acute myeloid leukemia
    He was in an all out war, his body was taking a beating but his mind & heart would not give up…until it did. He heart filled with so much love, beating so hard to stay strong , slowly faded…and with his last heartbeat, we felt it whisper one last time, I love you all…he left us. Surrounded by those who cherished him, loved him … we said our goodbyes…and felt his soul leave us.

    Over the last few days I been filled with so much anger…sadness …grief. Desperation, frustration, confusion, fear,…screaming as loud as I could …why!?!? how!??! A 37 young man… a father, a brother, a loving partner, a loyal friend be ravaged by so much pain and suffering!!! It’s not FAIR. It’s not fair!!! …it’s not fair.

    …and then it hit me.

    This overwhelming feeling of comfort. An EPIPHANY.

    …Jonathan had preached to me balance, the balance of life … Good & Bad. For all the good there may be, there has to be some bad. BALANCE

    A few months ago go, my 6 year old, Abigail underwent heart surgery to repair a broken heart … it was a difficult and scary (& long operation) but it was a complete success…In fact the doctor’s couldn’t believe how quickly she healed, and how strong her heart had become in such a short time … our little miracle.

    But …I realize now, it was Jonathan… the good with the bad, I believe in my heart & soul that’s Jonathan sacrificed himself…he somehow made a deal with the universe to ensure that Abby would be protected, spared…and that he would take on her pain & suffering as his own.

    Good …and the bad. Balance. I see that know Jonathan…our warrior. Our fighter.

    I love you.

    Mom/Dad…I’m sorry…I’m sorry that life forced you into this position for a second time. No parent should EVER have to bury their child, let alone twice. I now carry the burden of my siblings on me now. I will do my best to love you more. Jonathan was your baby. He needed you the most, and I know you did your best. I love you.

    Tamara…you took the role of sister-in-law very serious, your protected him (even from himself), and you were always there for him when he needed help, hope & guidance…you were his confident…his sister in every way. He loved you … unconditionally.

    Kaya. Thank you. Thank you for being, his pillar of strength and his love. You were his guidance, his purpose and his love. You took care of him at his darkest time. And gave him the light to fight … you were his shield, his sword … you helped prepare for his battle… you helped forge him into a warrior.
    I know he loved you beyond words and would aspire to do better …to be better for you. His love of cooking was inspired by you so he could find another way to show you he loved you. He was proud of the family the two of you shared, with Chino & Loki…and the Airbnb business that was growing…he was so proud.

    Romeo. I am so thank you for you. Watching you grow into the wonderful young man that you are, gives me hope. It gives me peace. It gives me strength…Because I see him in you everyday….You are his legacy…you are his true love…Romeo you are never alone, and the love of your family, Fatima & Avo… Tamara & l, Abby and Emerie will always and forever be part of your family…

    Remember Tio Paul loves you. And I will always be here for you.

    Thank you all…for being here to celebrate Jonathan’s life…let’s try to remember that he would want us to be happy …and take solace and comfort in knowing that he fought up until his very last heart beat.

    My little bother. My best friend….I love you Jonathan.

  2. Carolina Tocci
    Carolina Tocci says:

    My dearest Jonathan…you were always a smiling, caring, fun loving and respectful boy. Although you weren’t in my grade 8 class, our intermediate division built a beautiful rapport and spent so many wonderful days enjoying our time at Nativity Of Our Lord School. Your eyes sparkled when you laughed and I’m certain you carried that quality with you into adulthood. Your friends loved you and your teachers did too. Students like you made our school special. You will be missed but your spirit will live on in the hearts and lives of those who cherished you. You will always be that beautiful hearted grade 8 boy for me, an example for all students. Rest in peace sweet Jonathan. Your grade 8 teacher will carry you in her prayers each morning during announcements. My deepest condolences to your family and friends. ❤️🙏🏻

    Ponyboy: Nature’s first green is gold / Her hardest hue to hold / Her early leaf’s a flower / But only so an hour / Then leaf subsides to leaf / So Eden sank to grief / So dawn goes down to day / Nothing gold can stay.

  3. Nadia Mendzeleva
    Nadia Mendzeleva says:

    Sending my sincere condolences to whole Jonathan’s family. To Fatima, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am wishing you strength at this difficult time.

  4. Maria B de Rodríguez Larrain
    Maria B de Rodríguez Larrain says:

    Jhon always knew since you entered Claudia’s life, and our family that you had a big heart. Diego, eddy moma, and my mom felt the same. Your occurrences, jokes and the love you always showed for Claudia, magnified that love that we began to feel for you as one more son. You were a gerrero until the end, and you will continue to do it until the day that we all meet again. Rest in the glory of God.

  5. Meagan Sheppard
    Meagan Sheppard says:

    We grew up together. Jonathan was one of my first friends when I moved to Canada in Grade 4. He was in my class and we lived in the same building. I have a core memory that I’ve recalled with a smile many times since it happened – when in the middle of class, the first snowfall of the season began and it was my first time seeing snow ever… Jonathan got up and walked over to the window and announced in front of the class, “Meagan… this is what we call ‘Snnnnnnnooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww’”. And everyone laughed, including me. Coming from another kid, it might have been mean-spirited or meant to embarrass me. We were at an age when boys would be mean to girls just because… but not Jonathan. He was always kind, always gentle and soft-spoken and sweet. Always smiling. Always laughing goofily. For all the years I knew him, he never said a bad thing about anyone. He was always loyal, trustworthy, thoughtful – a true friend. We lost touch after high school… here I am, many years later, remembering his beautiful light. I was talking about Jonathan with a childhood friend earlier today when a rainbow suddenly appeared. Eventually when our conversation shifted, it vanished. Rest in peace, my dear old friend, Jonathan. I can’t believe you’re gone. But if anyone belongs in Heaven, it’s you. 🕊️🤍

    To Fatima, Duarte, Paul, Romeo, all of Jonathan’s family and loved ones, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your incredible loss. I pray for your comfort and healing. May his beautiful memory live on.

  6. Chris
    Chris says:

    My self and jhonny worked together in the plumbing field he was a special person who will always have a place in my heart. We joked around most of the time and the day went by and every day was amazing having jhonny help me . He was very much a unique person who always made me laugh and very mature for his age at the time. Till we meet again amigo… rest in peace brother.

  7. Melissa Pang Howard
    Melissa Pang Howard says:

    Sending strength and love to the entire Alves family. My sincerest condolences during this most difficult time.

  8. Amadeus Akobundu chibuikem
    Amadeus Akobundu chibuikem says:

    Jon was the first person to call me a brother in a country where I had no one to run to. His absence will forever leave a vacant space in our heart but I believe his loving soul will be resting well and my condolences to the family.
    Rest on my brother
    Rest on my friend
    Forever in my heart

  9. Dialysis Unit Nurse
    Dialysis Unit Nurse says:

    We are all so saddened by the news of Jonathan’s passing. His positive attitude, zest for life and bright smile always brought joy to the dialysis unit. We all have special memories with Jonathan as he always left such a lasting impression. Our patients become like family since we see them so often and Jonathan was no exception. Even when we knew he was not feeling his best, he would still share a funny story and a laugh. We were all so lucky to have met Jonathan, and we are all truly mourning this loss. Our deepest condolences to his family. Rest in Peace Jonathan.

    St Joseph’s Hemo-Dialysis Unit

  10. Leo
    Leo says:

    Words can’t justify how I felt upon hearing the sad news about the death of Jon, He was an incredible friend with an amazing personality I was so lucky to have known and even have the privilege to work with him. Jon was a beautiful soul And an inspiration to all I will never forget his kindness and generosity to all, he touched many lives in a very positive way. Jon may have passed but his memory will live on, On till we meet again in heaven my beloved Jon, Rest in Peace and I love you Friend ❤️.
    My most heartfelt condolences to the family

  11. Jake Pope
    Jake Pope says:

    The Whole Entire World Truly Lost A Leader, A Teammate, A Friend, A Father, A Brother, A Softball Superstar, A Winner, A Warrior, A Hero, A Legend, A Coach, A Captain, Who Was Loved And Appreciated By Everyone.

    “Captain Papa J” Was Always Smiling, Making Jokes, Happy, Friendly, Humble, Real, Making The Sweet Big Clutch Plays On The Field At Shortstop Whenever Needed, Hitting The Sweet Big Clutch Base Hits At The Plate Whenever Needed

    Incredibly Grateful, Privileged, Honoured For The Time I Got To Share With “Captain Papa J” On The Softball Field


  12. Violeta
    Violeta says:

    John thank you very much for being a great human being, John was a person who just by greeting you, won your heart, my heartfelt condolences to our dear friend Kaya and the parents of John Fatima and Duarte, we embraced them with the heart, asking God the Father to give them the consolation they need to heal this great wound that leaves them, but always keep in mind that John is a great angel, that now he will take care of them all in heaven, we love you dear John, rest in peace 🕊️ sincerely your Mexican friend

  13. Kaya
    Kaya says:

    My love, my best friend, my lover, my favorite person. You left too early. We had our whole lives left. I have no comfort, no joy. There are moments when you come to me and surround me with your strength. You are the strongest person I have ever known and I’ll be waiting for you when it’s my time. I love you forever and you have changed my life for the better. I’ll live out our legacy until my heart can’t take it anymore. Don’t make me that strong. You know you’re my rock. You’re my whole world. Show me what you want us to do and accomplish until that time..

    Everyone who met you loved you. There was no other way.

    Until our reunion my beloved.

  14. Charlie Zakkak
    Charlie Zakkak says:

    When I heard the news of your passing my heart literally broke in half. All the memories of us when we were just kids of you, Anthony and me playing, joking and laughing all the time came rushing to my mind. You always had such a big smile and a contagious laugh and that never changed growing up. Your family took me in with such open arms and your family became mine too just like that. You had such a big heart like your mother and father and you always were kind hearted. I remember growing up and watching you play Baseball and was so happy to see you absolutely dominate the sport. I looked up to you not only as my best friend but like my brother and I was always so happy to see you do well in life growing up. I remember our birthday parties with me, you, pang, Aj, mauri and much more and all the laughs and fun times we had. It breaks my heart I didn’t get to say goodbye to you but I know that I love you like a brother as Heaven gained another Angel yesterday. I know you will be watching over me, your friends and most importantly your family and child Romeo. You will be greatly missed my brother. My condolences to all the Alves family who took me in like a son since we met. May Jonathan’s memory live in each and every one of those lives he touched. Rest in peace my brother and until I see you again, I love you🙏❤️

  15. Svetlana Maliarska
    Svetlana Maliarska says:

    Dear Fatinha, please accept my deepest condolences. Words cannot express how I feel at this moment. My heart goes out to you and your family. May Johnathan soul Rest In Peace.

  16. Pablo Marin
    Pablo Marin says:

    I did not know Jonathan on a personal level even through we went primary and secondary school together. One thing I know is that he always had a smile on his face and usually had a positive attitude. With little knowing of him he still managed to touch my heart as I felt some pain hearing of his passing. You will not be forgotten amigo. My condolences to the family and all those close to him.

  17. Alex Christian Aviles
    Alex Christian Aviles says:

    To Jonathan’s family…Mr and Mrs Alves…all his siblings….and all family members….and to my little Romeo ….my heart is in pain with these sad news….I’d like to express to all of you my deepest and sincere condolences…..

  18. Wally Rogerson
    Wally Rogerson says:

    Our “Softball” community has lost a great player/friend🙏
    Our condolences to all who got to enjoy Jonathan’s life, on and off the field!


  19. Richard Medeiros
    Richard Medeiros says:

    Johnathan always had a smile on his face, always laughing, making jokes. Life of the party and I bet an amazing father. He was family to me, years go by and I miss the memories I had with Johnathan even we were kids. My condolences to the familia. Rest in paradise Johnathan. Def gonna miss you <3

  20. Claudia Nogueira
    Claudia Nogueira says:

    Goodbye dear cousin, you will be another shining star on the night sky, right next to my father…Rest in peace!


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